Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 2 Reflection

Today's theme was collaboration. We looked at some Personal Learning Networks like Twitter and we've looked at Blogs and Wikis as ways to communicate with each other.

Google has a lot of collaborative tools to offer - like GoogleDocs, which we didn't get to today but would be worth exploring as a way for your grade levels or subject areas to collaborate with each other.

We barely scratched the surface today of what Google has to offer. We looked at Google Scholar and Reader as a way to focus your information gathering and you can also find customizable search engines, teacher tools, lesson plans and they are always adding new features. Google is especially attuned to teacher's needs so check out www.google.com/educator often to find new lesson plans, ideas and tools for the classroom.

Today's question is...how can we use technology more often in our classrooms to collaborate with our students or have students collaborate with each other? What technology tools might you use to have students collaborate with each other?


  1. Google reader seems like a great way to have classroom blogs as well as frequently used links come straight to them. Sheryln

  2. Using Google this morning Karen and I talked about having students work together to make their own Google Lit Trip based on their favorite children's novel.


  3. I would like to add google blog on my school website for students and myself to communicate, share ideas, and express thoughts and opinions about classroom topics. ~~Robyn

  4. I am loving the 'prezi' site and I think my students would love to explore this new way of presenting materials as a group. I'm not a blogger but I'm a tweeter and I can see how it could be used professionally.

  5. I am glad to explore Google Reader and Google Scholar today. They will be very helpful in my teaching in the fall. Bin Yang

  6. I am always looking for interesting images and inspiration for projects. I could share a site a day (or a week) from my students. I think using the internet is part of our life now and I can learn so much from my students.

    Cathy Tanasse

  7. Good day, got a lot done! GO PREZI!


  8. With my elementary students I use the computer lab as often as I can, so that each student can experience power point and research, etc. I have used older students (5th and 6th grade) to mentor my students. Karen

  9. I think that the information today was most helpful in providing opportunities and tools to better collaborate with collegues. I am still thinking on how to best use that information with elementary students. As a special education teacher, I think the Google Scholar will be really helpful for research.

    Thanks for all of your help and hard work!


  10. The grade level collaboration has been great!! It's so great that we can share ideas and files to benefit our students.

  11. Technology is a great tool to get students interested in what they are learning. Technology surrounds them on a daily basis so why not in the classroom? Technology is a great way to have students collaborate on projects such as videos, powerpoints, research, etc. The problem is having the resources available in the classroom for the students to work on these projects. Many classrooms do not have enough computers to have more than a couple students work on a project at a time. I have some great ideas for the Prezi sight. Thanks!

  12. Introducing students to GoogleDocs is a great way for them to start working on projects together. We had some students do that a couple years ago and they were able to do a team project without actually having to get together away from school. I'm also enjoying using Prezi and I look forward to using it in my class this fall.

  13. Lots to learn and absorbe. Much today did not apply as much to kindy students, but now I will know what others are talking about. Love the Prezi and can't wait to get one done!

  14. I am not sure how much of this morning's information will be workable for my intermediate-age students, but I like them for my personal enrichment.

    The learning curve is tremendous.

  15. Definitely I learned more today in both the AM and PM session than I did yesterday. Know that Monday's sessions made me feel tense and by 2:30 tired because the technology continuously failed for the presentors. Today, however, the google sessions in the morning were excellent and in the afternoon I was able to incorporate information into my website.

  16. Wonder wheel would be a great tool to use for student collaboration. Students want to choose the same topic to work on. Wonder wheel could help them narrow their topic. Each student could work on a different sub-topic.
    Robin H.

  17. Kids are already using a lot of this technology at home with their friends. Using something they are familiar with will help "hook them" and create that excitement.

  18. I enjoyed learning about Google tools, because I had no idea about them! I'm not sure how my first graders would use them, but I can see potential on collaborating with colleagues. I think a Wiki or blog would be a helpful addition to a classroom newsletter.

  19. I like the idea that we can create and share content and ideas within our group. It helps to remind me how students need to share and communicate with each other in our classrooms. Doubt if I'll have them tweet though. Therese

  20. For the primary level I can see having them work with a partner on a game or a project for class. I would find programming with Smartboard notebook that gives them opportunities to work together. I believe with adult guidance, we could work whole group on finding information about subjects that we have questions about. Deb Miller

  21. Google Lit Trips are a really great way for kids to get an idea what places they read about look like. For example, if they are reading Number the Stars,(yes, I know the title should be underlined or in italics. Just don't know how to do it in this format!) they can see what Copenhagen looks like, or see that Sweden can be seen from Northern Denmark and get an idea of the distance the Danish boats had to travel to smuggle their Jewish citizens out.

  22. Forgot to put my name on last comment about Wonder Wheel. Julie E
